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Date : 2016-04-15
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The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money ~ The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money of 1936 is the last and most important book by the English economist John Maynard Keynes It created a profound shift in economic thought giving macroeconomics a central place in economic theory and contributing much of its terminology – the Keynesian Revolution
The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money ~ The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money John Maynard Keynes Table of Contents • PREFACE • PREFACE TO THE GERMAN EDITION • PREFACE TO THE JAPANESE EDITION • PREFACE TO THE FRENCH EDITION Book I Introduction 1 THE GENERAL THEORY 2 THE POSTULATES OF THE CLASSICAL ECONOMICS 3 THE PRINCIPLE OF EFFECTIVE DEMAND
The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money ~ The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money John Maynard Keynes on FREE shipping on qualifying offers The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money of 1936 is the last and most important book by the English economist John Maynard Keynes It created a profound shift in economic thought
The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money ~ In economics Money …on traditional thinking in his General Theory of Employment Interest and Money 1935–36 was this quantity theory of money Keynes asserted that the link between the money stock and the level of national income was weak and that the effect of the money supply on prices was virtually nil—at least…
Book Review The General Theory of Employment Interest ~ The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money is a highly significant work that marked a turning point in the development of modern economic theory In The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money the British economist John Maynard Keynes argues that the belief that markets naturally tend towards full employment is a fallacy and that state interventionism is therefore necessary
The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money by ~ The General Theory of Employment Interest Money has turned economic science upside down where the undertone and ideas have inherently defied basic economic principles Unfortunately the book still influences monetary and fiscal policy
The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money ~ Keynes’ The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money remains approaching a century after it first appeared one of the most important documents on economics along with Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations and Karl Marx’s Capital
The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money by ~ The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money Written 1935 Source The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money by John Maynard Keynes Fellow of the Kings College Cambridge published by Harcourt Brace and Company and printed in the by the Polygraphic Company of America New York
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