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Date : 1998-01-15
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The Atom in the History of Human Thought ~ From the ancient Greeks to Hegel and Shopenhauer the book reveals the many people of history who have helped to develop our modern notion of the atom which continues today However it does not simply retell the western story of the atom but goes to some measure to entail the ancient Arabics contribution in flourishing this most ancient of ideas
The Atom in the History of Human Thought Bernard Pullman ~ From the ancient Greeks to Hegel and Shopenhauer the book reveals the many people of history who have helped to develop our modern notion of the atom which continues today However it does not simply retell the western story of the atom but goes to some measure to entail the ancient Arabics contribution in flourishing this most ancient of ideas
The Atom In The History Of Human Thought by Bernard Pullman ~ The Atom In The History Of Human Thought The Idea of the Atom The Ultimate essence of physical reality indivisible and eternal has been the focus of a quest that has engaged humanity for 2500 years That quest is captured in The Atom in the History of Human Thought
The Atom in the History of Human Thought Bernard Pullman ~ The Atom in the History of Human Thought by Bernard Pullman 9780195150407 available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide The Atom in the History of Human Thought Bernard Pullman 9780195150407
The Atom in the History of Human Thought by Bernard ~ The story of the atomic theory of matter lends itself better than almost any other historical journey to a grand panoramic approach to the history of scientific ideas Pullmanfollows the ideas of the atom through the long period of 2500 years since the notion of an indivisible fundamental constituent of matter was first formulated by preSocratic Greek thinkers He is at his best when dealing with recent developments in the physics and chemistry of atoms and nuclei where he leaves no loose
The Atom in the History of Human Thought Book Review ~ A history of concepts of the atom traced primarily through the works of philosophers and other intellectual critics rather than those of scientists Beginning with the notion of an indivisible fundamental constituent of matter first formulated by the preSocratic Greek thinkers Pullam follows ideas that have and have not survived from the ancients and the premoderns into our own contemporary conceptions
The atom in the history of human thought Book 1998 ~ The atom in the history of human thought Bernard Pullman The Idea of the Atom The Ultimate essence of physical reality indivisible and eternal has been the focus of a quest that has engaged humanity for 2500 years
The Atom in the History of Human Thought Bernard Pullman ~ The Atom in the History of Human Thought The concept of the atom is very near scientific bedrock touching first causes fundamental principles our conception of the nature of reality This book is a translation from the French of a history of atomic thought and theory from ancient Greece to the present day
The atom in the history of human thought Book 2001 ~ This text offers a panoramic intellectual history of the atom that begins in ancient Greece ranges across the entire span of Western philosophy and science and ends with the first direct visual Read
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