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Date : 1988-12-15
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The Irony of Regulatory Reform The Deregulation of ~ In The Irony of Regulatory Reform Horwitz examines the history of telecommunicationsboth telephone and broadcastto build a compelling new theory of regulation Against the backdrop of modern theories of the state he presents a sweeping survey of the history of regulation in America delineating three distinct periods of regulatory genesis
The Irony of Regulatory Reform The Deregulation of ~ Deregulation was a political buzzword of the early 1980s The Reagan Administration came to power on a platform dedicated to getting government off the backs of the people Deregulation promised to lower inflation raise productivity and reverse the sagging fortunes of American industry And proponents declared deregulation morally right because it constituted a rollback of the arbitrary
The Irony of Regulatory Reform The Deregulation of ~ But the actual politics of deregulation including the momentous breakup of ATT had already turned out to be far more complex than this rhetoric suggested In The Irony of Regulatory Reform Horwitz examines the history of telecommunications—both telephone and broadcast—to build a compelling new theory of regulation Against the backdrop
The Irony of Regulatory Reform Paperback Robert Britt ~ The Irony of Regulatory Reform The Deregulation of American Telecommunications to show the underlying irony that while antiregulation rhetoric was aimed at the socalled social regulatory agencies in practice it has been the economic agencies that have been deregulated often with vehement opposition from the industries affected
Customer reviews The Irony of Regulatory ~ Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for The Irony of Regulatory Reform The Deregulation of American Telecommunications at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users
The irony of regulatory reform the deregulation of ~ Get this from a library The irony of regulatory reform the deregulation of American telecommunications Robert Britt Horwitz This study examines the history of telecommunications both telephone and broadcast with particular reference to attempts to regulate these media in the USA
The Irony of Regulatory Reform The Deregulation of ~ The Irony of Regulatory Reform The Deregulation of American Telecommunications By Robert Britt Horwitz · New York Oxford University Press 1989 viii 414 pp Tables notes bibliography and
Robert Horwitz on the deregulation of American ~ Robert Horwitz on the deregulation of American telecommunications By Kristopher A Nelson in October 2011 1100 words 5 min Tweet Share Robert Horwitz’s The Irony of Regulatory Reform The Deregulation of American Telecommunications published in 1989 explores in depth the issue of telecommunications regulation at a time when telecommunications was once again in transition
the irony of regulatory reform the deregulation of ~ the irony of regulatory reform the deregulation of american telecommunications new york oxford university press 1989 VIII 414 p 3995 d Users without a subscription are not able to see the full content
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