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Date : 2003-03-13
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Developmental Plasticity and Evolution Mary Jane West ~ Developmental Plasticity and Evolution Mary Jane WestEberhard The first comprehensive synthesis on development and evolution Applies to all aspects of development at all levels of organization and in all organisms
Developmental Plasticity and Evolution Mary Jane West ~ Developmental Plasticity and Evolution is designed for biologists interested in the development and evolution of behavior lifehistory patterns ecology physiology morphology and speciation It will also appeal to evolutionary paleontologists anthropologists psychologists and teachers of general biology
Developmental plasticity Evolution Medicine and Public ~ The evolution of developmental plasticity Shared interests current knowledge and gaps in knowledge Dobzhansky’s famous message—that ‘nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution’ —has been taken to heart by researchers interested in developmental plasticity The result has been a plethora of explanations for how
Developmental Plasticity and Evolution Mary Jane West ~ Developmental Plasticity and Evolution is the first comprehensive synthesis on development and evolution it applies to all aspects of development at all levels of organization and in all organisms taking advantage of modern findings on behaviour genetics endocrinology molecular biology evolutionary theory and phylogenetics to show the connections between developmental mechanisms and
Developmental plasticity Bridging research in evolution ~ Keywords developmental plasticity early life effects geneenvironment interaction epigenetics evolution of plasticity developmental origins of health and disease INTRODUCTION Early life environments can profoundly shape traits related to both human health and Darwinian fitness
Developmental Plasticity And Evolution ResearchGate ~ Our most extensive correspondence began when he agreed to critique all of the 31 chapters of my book Developmental Plasticity and Evolution WestEberhard 2003 I sent them one at a time as they
Developmental plasticity and evolutionary explanations ~ Developmental plasticity looks like a promising bridge between ecological and developmental perspectives on evolution Yet there is no consensus on whether plasticity is part of the explanation for adaptive evolution or an optional “add‐on” to genes and natural selection
Developmental Plasticity an overview ScienceDirect Topics ~ Developmental plasticity in ants and honeybees is covered by Adam Dolezal’s study on caste and in termites by Judith Korb’s review on social evolution in termites Throughout this article I highlight relevant reviews as a gateway to more detailed study
Developmental plasticity and the origin of species ~ Without developmental plasticity the bare genes and the impositions of the environment would have no effect and no importance for evolution Developmental recombination occurs in a population of individuals because of a new or newly recurrent input
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