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Date : 1998-05-14
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Stellarator and Heliotron Devices Masahiro Wakatani ~ Stellarator and Heliotron Devices International Series of Monographs on Physics Share Also of Interest CP Violation Gustavo Castelo Branco Luis Lavoura and Joao Paulo Silva The Physics of Inertial Fusion Stefano Atzeni and Jürgen MeyerterVehn The Life of the Cosmos Lee Smolin Quantum Field Theory and Critical Phenomena
0195078314 Stellarator and Heliotron Devices ~ Stellarator and Heliotron Devices International Series of Monographs on Physics by Wakatani Masahiro and a great selection of related books art and collectibles available now at
Read Stellarator and Heliotron Devices International ~ READ Online Stellarator and Heliotron Devices International Series of Monographs on Physics
Stellarator and heliotron devices Book 1998 ~ This monograph contains all aspects of plasma physics for plasma confinement in stellarator and heliotron devices Present achievements and prospects for next generation devices are included
Stellarator and Heliotron Devices Masahiro Wakatani ~ This monograph describes plasma physics for magnetic confinement of high temperature plasmas in nonaxisymmetric toroidal magnetic fields or stellarators The techniques are aimed at controlling nuclear fusion for continuous energy production While the focus is on the nonaxisymmetric toroidal field or heliotron developed at Kyoto University the physics applies equally to other stellarators
THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES OF MONOGRAPHS ON PHYSICS SERIES ~ INTERNATIONAL SERIES OF MONOGRAPHS ON PHYSICS SERIES EDITORS J BIRMAN City University of New York S F EDWARDS University of Cambridge R FRIEND University of Cambridge C H LLEWELLYNSMITH University College London 95 M Wakatani Stellarator and heliotron devices 94 S Chikazumi Physics of ferromagnetism 91 R A
Stellarator Wikipedia ~ A stellarator is a plasma device that relies primarily on external magnets to confine a the future scientists researching magnetic confinement fusion aim to use stellarator devices as a vessel for nuclear fusion reactions The name refers to the possibility of harnessing the power source of the stars including the sun It is one of the earliest fusion power devices along with the
THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES OF MONOGRAPHS ON PHYSICS SERIES ~ MONOGRAPHS ON PHYSICS SERIES EDITORS M REES University of Cambridge D SHERRINGTON University of Oxford G VENEZIANO CERN Geneva International Series of Monographs on Physics 121 T Giamarchi Quantum physics in one Stellarator and heliotron devices 94 S Chikazumi Physics of ferromagnetism 91 R A Bertlmann Anomalies in
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