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Date : 2004-05-03
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Elephas Maximus A Portrait of the Indian Elephant ~ Mixing mythology and natural history Stephen Alter lets readers share his lifelong love for the Indian elephant Elephas legends threaten to overwhelm facts in the tale Alter has nonetheless presented an accurate portrait of his subject true to centuries of Indian tradition
Elephas Maximus A Portrait of the Indian Elephant by ~ Elephas maximus is a rather engaging if sometimes a bit rambling portrait of the Indian elephant author Stephen Alter admits that the more proper common name is Asian Elephant but as he focuses on only Elephas maximus as it is found in India he keeps the name Indian Elephant
Elephas Maximus A Portrait of the Indian Elephant by ~ The Hardcover of the Elephas Maximus A Portrait of the Indian Elephant by Stephen Alter at Barnes Noble FREE Shipping on 350 or more Holiday Shipping Membership Educators Gift Cards Stores Events Help
ELEPHAS MAXIMUS A Portrait of the Indian Elephant ~ ELEPHAS MAXIMUS A Portrait of the Indian Elephant and the Asian elephant Elephas maximus which has a longer tradition of being captured and trained He shows how throughout history the
Elephas maximus a portrait of the Indian elephant Book ~ Get this from a library Elephas maximus a portrait of the Indian elephant Stephen Alter Tracking the elephant in history art religion and folklore Alter draws a vivid gorgeously written portrait of its past and its troubled present while offering hope for its future
Indian elephant Wikipedia ~ The Indian elephant Elephas maximus indicus is one of three extant recognised subspecies of the Asian elephant and native to mainland Asia 2 Since 1986 the Asian elephant has been listed as Endangered on the IUCN Red List as the wild population has declined by at least 50 since the 1930s to 1940s three elephant generations
Elephas Maximus by Stephen Alter · OverDrive Rakuten ~ Vivid portrait of an animal that has captured the imagination of humans for millennia Elephas maximus the majestic Asian elephant is still revered in Indian religion and culture Yet unabated ivory poaching conjures up fears of a future when
Indian Elephant Description Habitat Images Diet and ~ The Indian elephant Elephas maximus indicus is one of the three living subspecies of Asian elephants Elephas maximus Indian elephants are large herbivorous mammals which means that they eat plants not animals Their immense size means they are often classified as one of the “megafauna” animals
Elephas Maximus A Portrait Of The Indian Elephant ~ Buy Elephas Maximus A Portrait Of The Indian Elephant book online at best prices in india on Read Elephas Maximus A Portrait Of The Indian Elephant book reviews author details and more at Free delivery on qualified orders
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