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Date : 2007-06-08
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Electron Crystallography of Biological Macromolecules ~ Planned and written by a group of 5 wellknown experts who have pioneered different aspects of the field of electron cryomicroscopy cryoEM of biological macromolecules this book offers a depth of knowledge and expertise that could only be replicated from the primary literature with great difficulty
Electron Crystallography of Biological Macromolecules ~ Electron Crystallography of Biological Macromolecules Robert Glaeser In collaboration with Kenneth Downing David DeRosier Wah Chiu and Joachim Frank This book provides a complete introduction to all major topics needed in order to use electron microscopy as a research tool in structural biology
Electron Crystallography of Biological Macromolecules ~ The term electron crystallography is used in this review in a way that is generally parallel to the common meaning of the phrase xray crystallography The subject of electron crystallography is significantly broader in scope than xray neutron crystallography however
Electron Crystallography of Biological Macromolecules ~ Electron Crystallography of Biological Macromolecules Annual Review of Physical Chemistry Vol 36243275 Volume publication date The different methods of achieving light absorption electronhole separation and electrochemical reduction of CO2 are considered Energy gap matching for More Full Text HTML
Electron Crystallography of Biological Macromolecules R ~ Electron Crystallography of Biological Macromolecules R M Glaeser K Downing D DeRosier W Chiu J Frank Oxford University Press 2007 476 pages ISBN
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International Tables Crystallography of biological ~ International Tables for Crystallography Volume F Crystallography of biological macromolecules First online edition 2006 ISBN Threedimensional electron cryomicroscopy of macromolecules pp 453463 html pdf 1965 Recent trends p 463 html pdf
An electron diffraction study of the mannan I crystal and ~ International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 1997 21 3 243250 DOI 101016S014181309700069X Rengaswami Chandrasekaran Molecular Architecture of Polysaccharide Helices in Oriented Fibers Electron crystallography of organic and biological molecules—Techniques and comparison to Xray crystallographic results
Electron crystallography Simple English Wikipedia the ~ Electron crystallography is a method to determine the arrangement of atoms in solids using a transmission electron microscope TEM The method was invented by Aaron Klug 1 who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for this and his studies on virus structures and transfer RNA in 1982
Electron crystallography Wikipedia ~ The highest resolution protein structure solved by electron crystallography of 2D crystals is that of the water channel aquaporin0 In 2013 electron crystallography was extended to 3D crystals by a new method called microcrystal electron diffraction or MicroED
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